Sunday Supper: 05/26/24

Amid traffic jams and barbecues, "Sunday Supper" has a musical respite for Memorial Day. Most intriguing is an unreleased song by Christine Lavin, in which she used A.I. to create her brother's voice reading a letter by their father to their mother during World War II. Also in the Memorial Day spirit, Cliff Eberhardt, Mark Erelli, and Jon Shain pay homage to the late, great New England songwriter Bill Morrissey.

We'll have new releases from living legends Richard Thompson, Tom Rush, Chris Smither, and Willie Nelson and examples of Black country by Allison Russell, Kaia Kater, and, yes, Beyonce.

Salute the music between 4:00-6:00 p.m. EDT at 90.7 and, as well as on-demand in the WFUV Archives, on the WFUV app, and the flag-waving smart speaker of your choice.

(Richard Thompson photo by David Kaptein)

Cynthia Cochrane